Services -Enterprise Resource Planning

Glo bal Ro l l ou ts/Ro l li n s

Glo bal

Ro l l ou ts/Ro l li n s

Glo bal

Ro l l ou ts/

Ro l li n s

What Makes a Successful Global Rollouts?

Most organizations deploy SAP across countries in Waves/Phases to minimize risks while aligning with target country readiness and priority.
Rollouts also provide the opportunity for Global Process Standardization/Audit, Master Data Harmonization, New Module/Functionality Implementation for a specific country, and Global Compliance(e.g. GDPR, Export Control, and Sanctions Compliance).

Roll out SAP System to other business units and countries to benefit from

Roll out SAP System to other business units and countries to benefit from

Standardised and Unified Business Processes through Global/Regional SAP Templates Enable Head Office to see the group of companies as a Global Business instead of separate business entities Consolidate Reporting at HQ Level Common foundation for digital transformation

We help in rapid industrialized SAP Rollout while addressing

Local Business Needs Local Legal Requirements Local Data Migrations Local user training Support for Project to AMS team transition Our service offerings include Global, Regional, and Local Template Creation/Refresh/Maintenance and rolling out Local Template to a specific.

We help in rapid industrialised SAP Rollout while addressing